#SOSVenezuela: Busco Abogado Venezolano

Yo soy un abogado en el Estado de Minnesota, EE.UU., y soy tambien proveedor de programas de "CLE"--Continuing Legal Education--educacion juridica continua. En la mayoria de los estados de Estados Unidos, se requiere que los abogados tomen un cierto numero de clases cada ano para mantener sus licencias, y yo presento estos clases en varias disciplinas juridicas.

Los medios norteamericanos han sido, infelizmente, silenciosos sobre el asalto contra el Estado de Derecho y los Derechos Humanos en Venezuela. Y como abogado, siento deber de compartir esta informacion.

Por eso, quisiera presentar un programa, posiblemente en la proxima semana, sobre el estado de derecho actual en Venezuela. Seria un programa gratis, y abogados estadounidenses asistirian por telefono. Seria un programa de aproximadamente 30-50 minutos.

Si Vd. es un abogado venezolano quien quiere compartir con sus colegas en Estados Unidos sobre que esta pasando en su pais, por favor contactarme. La manera mas facil de hacerlo es por correo electronico, a clem.law@usa.net. Si prefiere, puede llamarme a +1 612 378 7751.

Normalmente, yo publico el nombre de la faculdad en los anuncios de mis programas, y prefiero publicar su nombre y biografia. Pero si prefiere, puedo publicar solamente que Vd. es abogado venezolano, y puede participar en anonimidad. Puede participar por telefono o Skype. Tengo interprete disponible.

Atentamente, Richard Clem

I am an attorney in the U.S. State of Minnesota, and I am also a provider of CLE--Continuing Legal Education. In most U.S. states, attorneys are required to take a certain number of classes each year in order to maintain their licenses, and I present classes in various legal disciplines.

The U.S. media have, unfortunately, been silent over the assault against the Rule of Law and Human Rights in Venezuela. And as a lawyer, I feel a duty to share this information.

Therefore, I want to present a program, possibly in the next week, about the current state of law in Venezuela. This would be a free program, and U.S. attorneys would attend by telephone. It would be a program of approximately 30-50 minutes.

If you are a Venezuelan attorney and want to share with your American colleagues about what is happening in your country, please contact me. The easiest way to do so is by e-mail at clem.law@usa.net. If you prefer, you can call me at +1 612 378 7751.

Normally, I publish the name of the faculty in the advertisements for my programs, and I prefer to publish your name and biography. But if you prefer, I can advertise only that you are a Venezuelan attorney, and you may participate in anonymity. You can participate by telephone or by Skype. I have an interpreter available.

Sincerely yours, Richard Clem

Richard P. Clem is an attorney and continuing legal education (CLE) provider in Minnesota. He has been in private practice in the Twin Cities for 25 years. He has a J.D., cum laude, from Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul and a B.A. in History from the University of Minnesota. His reported cases include: Asociacion Nacional de Pescadores a Pequena Escala o Artesanales de Colombia v. Dow Quimica de Colombia, 988 F.2d 559, rehearing denied, 5 F.3d 530 (5th Cir. 1993), cert. denied, 510 U.S. 1041 (1994); LaMott v. Apple Valley Health Care Center, 465 N.W.2d 585 (Minn. Ct. App. 1991); Abo el Ela v. State, 468 N.W.2d 580 (Minn. Ct. App. 1991).

For more information about attorney Clem, please visit his website.
For more information about his low-cost CLE programs, please visit his CLE page.

Copyright 2014, Richard P. Clem.
Attorney Richard P. Clem is responsible for the content of this page.

Richard P. Clem, Attorney
PO Box 14957
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Phone: +1-612-378-7751
e-mail: clem.law@usa.net
Minnesota Attorney Registration Number 0192648

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