28 July 2014 CLE Course Materials
These are the course materials for the Free conference call CLE to be held on July 28, 2014. The links below take you to a summary of each case, which also includes a link to the court's opinion. To participate in this free one-credit CLE program, please visit this page.
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During this program, we will review the following cases. (Additional material from recently decided cases may be added prior to the program.)
- Minnesota Supreme Court
Curtis B. Braatz v. Parsons Electric Company and Zurich North America/GAB Robins, Inc.. MN Workers Compensation Attorney Fees
. July 23, 2014.
Citizens State Bank Norwood Young America v. Gordon Brown. MN fraudulent conveyance
. July 9, 2014.
State of Minnesota v. Jaimiah Lamar Irby. MN judiciary
. July 2, 2014.
State of Minnesota v. Don Antoine Jones. MN sentencing
. July 2, 2014.
Lyon Financial Services, Incorporated, d/b/a U.S. Bancorp Business Equipment Finance Group v. Illinois Paper and Copier Company. MN contract law
. July 2, 2014.
Graphic Communications Local 1B Health & Welfare Fund "A", et al., v. CVS Caremark Corporation, et al.. MN pharmacy
. July 2, 2014.
- Minnesota Court of Appeals
Douglas Drews v. Federal National Mortgage Association. MN foreclosure, service of process
. July 21, 2014
Julie L. Pfeiffer, Trustee on behalf of the heirs and next of kin of Dale R. Pfeiffer, v. Allina Health System. MN affidavit of expert review
. July 21, 2014
Patrick Exner v. Minneapolis Public Schools, Special School District No. 1. MN teacher tenure
. July 14, 2014
Rita Ann Stevens v. Commissioner of Public Safety. MN implied consent
. July 14, 2014
State of Minnesota v. Jerry Expose, Jr.. MN psychologist-client privilege
. July 14, 2014
In re the Marriage of: Sharon Marie Sanvik, Becky Toevs Rooney, Appellant, v. Charles W. Sanvik. MN divorce, attorney fees
. July 14, 2014
Carmen Schroeder v. Western National Mutual Insurance Company. No-fault
. July 7, 2014
State of Minnesota v. Jeffrey Bruce Martin. MN criminal law
. July 7, 2014
If time permits, we'll also look at
Minnesota Court of Appeals cases decided July 28.

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