3.0 Ethics Credits, Only $69
5.0 CLE Credits, including 3 Ethics Credits, Only $99
Or 10 credits for only $129
I'll be presenting a live 5-credit CLE in Cedar Rapids on December 11 and in Omaha on December 12. The fee for the full five-hour program is only $99. If you need only the ethics credits, you can attend the morning program for only $69. If you need five additional Iowa credits, you can also register for my on-demand program and take an additional five credits at any time before the end of the year. The cost for all ten credits (live program plus on-demand) is only $129.
Update: Space is available for both programs, and you may register at the door and pay by check. If you prefer to pay by credit card, please do so online, as I'm not able to accept credit cards at the door. Since I'll be on the road, I won't be able to answer e-mails immediately, but you may call me on my cell phone at 651-285-5474.
Friday, December 11, 2015, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Conference Room
Coffeesmiths at Edgewood Station
2300 Edgewood Rd SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Cafe Phone Number for Directions:(319) 654-8888
Saturday, December 12, 2015, 9:00 AM - 2:35 PM
Conference Room
Comfort Inn
330 N 30th Street
Omaha, NE 68131
Hotel Phone Number for Directions: 402-345-2222
*-CLE credit has been approved as follows:
Iowa: 5.0 credits, including 3.0 ethics credits approved. Iowa activity numbers: 208042 (Cedar Rapids) and 208064 (Omaha).
Nebraska: 5.0 Credits, including 3.0 ethics credtis approved (Omaha program), Nebraska Activity Number 116598. Nebraska credit applied for upon request for Cedar Rapids program.
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana: CLE credit applied for upon request.
Conflicts of Interest 2015.Live lecture presented by Richard Clem. This will be an in-depth look at the conflict of interest rules governing lawyers in Iowa and other states. It will cover Rule 1.7 of the Iowa Rules of Professional Conduct, as well as related rules. Subjects addressed include: Joint representations in general; driver and passenger; co-defendants in criminal cases; insured and insurer; organization and individuals within organization; buyer and seller; testator and beneficiary; closely related entitites; business transactions between clients; consent to conflicts; "hot potato" doctrine; and more.
In addition to the ethics program, we will review some recent decisions from appellate courts in Iowa and around the region. Topics include: Expert testimony in criminal cases; search and seizure; wrongful discharge; sovereign immunity; merger of purchase contract into deed; impeaching jury verdicts; service of process; alternative theories of guilt; priority of attorney liens; state data practices; will revocation; and more.
The course materials will be distributed at the door. If you would like to print a copy prior to the program (or "go green" and view them on your portable device), they are available at the following links:
Richard P. Clem is an attorney and continuing legal education (CLE) provider in Minnesota. He has been in private practice in the Twin Cities for 25 years. He has a J.D., cum laude, from Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul and a B.A. in History from the University of Minnesota. His reported cases include: Asociacion Nacional de Pescadores a Pequena Escala o Artesanales de Colombia v. Dow Quimica de Colombia, 988 F.2d 559, rehearing denied, 5 F.3d 530 (5th Cir. 1993), cert. denied, 510 U.S. 1041 (1994); LaMott v. Apple Valley Health Care Center, 465 N.W.2d 585 (Minn. Ct. App. 1991); Abo el Ela v. State, 468 N.W.2d 580 (Minn. Ct. App. 1991). You can visit his web pages at RichardClem.com and w0is.com and his blog at OneTubeRadio.com.
Cedar Rapids: The Friday program will be in the Conference Room of Coffeesmiths at Edgewood Station, 2300 Edgewood Rd SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404. The cafe phone number for directions is (319) 654-8888. Outside food and beverages are not allowed, but Coffeesmiths has a wide variety of food and beverage items available for purchase.
Omaha: The Saturday program will be in the conference room of
Comfort Inn, 330 N 30th Street , Omaha, NE 68131. The hotel phone number for directions is 402-345-2222.
The cost for the entire program is $99, or $69 for the morning 3-credit ethics program only. You may register by mail by sending payment, along with a note indicating the date of the program you will be attending to:
Richard P. Clem
PO Box 14957
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Phone (612) 378-7751
For questions the day of the CLE, Cel. (651) 285-5474
If you need more credits, you can also register for my five-credit "on demand" program for only $30 more, and get a total of 10 credits for only $129. Iowa attorneys can satisfy up to six of their credits with on-demand programs, and my on-demand program is approved for Iowa credit. Click here for full information on the on-demand program. If you register for the on-demand program, you may take it any time between now and February 24, 2016.
You may also register securely online by following the "Buy Now" link below. If you have a PayPal account, you may sign and and use your PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account, of if you prefer to simply use a credit card, you may also do so by following this link. When registering, you may select the live program only for $99, or both the live and on-demand programs for $129.
If you have any questions, please e-mail me at clem.law@usa.net or call me at 612-378-7751.