Richard P. Clem Continuing Legal Education
The CLE program on this page took place in the past. For information on upcoming programs, please visit my main CLE page.
Up to two CLE Elimination of Bias Credits* only $50
June 23 and 28, 2011
For one credit, take "The Rules and an Ongoing Process". For two credits, take both programs.
Note: The June 23 conference calls are being offered in conjunction with a live program being held in Duluth, and participation by conference call is very limited. This conference call opportunity is being offered for the benefit of out-of-state attorneys who have a scheduling conflict and absolutely, positively, cannot attend one of the other sessions. To register for the June 23 section, you must e-mail be on or before Tuesday, June 21. Normal online registration is not available for the June 23 program.
*CLE Credit has been approved as follows for each program: Minnesota: 1.0 elimination of bias credit.
Program Description
Elimination of Bias: The Rules and on Ongoing Process. Live program presented by Richard Clem. We'll start by looking at the rules governing bias within the legal profession, which is a subject covered by both the General Rules of Practice and the Rules of Professional Conduct. We will then see how well we are collectively doing as a profession and legal system in abiding by those rules. We will do so through the eyes of participants at a series of community dialogues at which community members were asked to describe their experiences and discuss ideas for advancing racial equality and fairness in the courts. All participants are welcome to share their insights.
Elimination of Bias: A Continuing Discussion. (Live lecture and discussion) presented and moderated by Richard Clem. We will continue the discussion of the issues raised by the previous program, "Elimination of Bias: The Rules and an Ongoing Process". In small groups and as a larger group, we will discuss issues such as the importance of diversity of the bench and court staff, and whether this is necessary for actual fairness, perceived fairness, or both. We will discuss the importance of overcoming barriers to access to the courts, such as lack of public transportation. We will discuss the special issues of immigrant and refugee parents whose children interact with the judicial system. We will discuss actual and perceived racial profiling. We will discuss the unintended immigration consequences of state court actions. Finally, we will discuss how the system can better reach out to communities of color, both as a system, and as individual attorneys. The discussion will be led and facilitated by Richard Clem. Prerequisite: Attendance at "The Rules and an Ongoing Process".
This will be a live telephone conference call CLE. The speaker, Richard Clem, will be speaking live to teleconference participants from St. Paul, Minnesota (June 23, Duluth, Minnesota). Upon registration, you will be given the telephone number to dial, and an access code to enter. This will be a toll-free number from the United States. Participants outside the United States will call a U.S. phone number in the 713 area code. You will also be e-mailed a copy of the course materials. There will be an opportunity for participants to ask questions during the conference call. In addition, it will be possible to send written questions to the speaker via e-mail, and these questions will be addressed during the call.
When registering, please provide the phone number from which you plan to call. There will be an automatic list of participants generated based upon Caller ID, and this list will be used to verify attendance. If you need to call from a different telephone, please inform me after the program so that I can verify attendance. A certificate of attendance will be e-mailed after the program to verified attendees.
Elimination of Bias Learning Goals
This program will run sixty continuous minutes, will relate directly to the practice of law, and is designed to meet the first and third learning goals for elimination of bias courses:
We will begin by referencing the Supreme Court's 1993 report on the elimination of bias in the judicial system, and we will also look at how both the Rules of Professional Conduct and the General Rules of Practice require us as lawyers to avoid bias.
Then, we will look at how well we are doing in meeting these requirements, as seen by various communities, including communities of color. In particular, we'll examine the suggestions made by members of the public at community dialogues held over the past three years by the Supreme Court's Racial Fairness Committee.
There will be opportunities for participants to discuss these suggestions, and to offer our own suggestions on how we can fulfill these professional obligations.
About the Speaker
The program is presented by Richard P. Clem. He has a B.A. in
history from the University of Minnesota, and a J.D., cum
laude, from Hamline University School of Law. He has been in
private practice in the Twin Cities for over 20 years. His reported
cases include: Asociacion Nacional de Pescadores a Pequena Escala
o Artesanales de Colombia v. Dow Quimica de Colombia, 988 F.2d
559, rehearing denied, 5 F.3d 530 (5th Cir. 1993), cert. denied, 510
U.S. 1041 (1994); LaMott v. Apple Valley Health Care Center,
465 N.W.2d 585 (Minn. Ct. App. 1991); Abo el Ela v. State,468
N.W.2d 580 (Minn. Ct. App. 1991).
Course Schedule
The phone line opens ten minutes prior to the start times shown above. Please call in ten minutes prior to the scheduled start time. There will be opening remarks five minutes prior to the scheduled start time. Each program begins promptly at the time shown above, and runs sixty minutes. All times are central daylight time.
The cost for each segment of this program is $25 per participant. To register for the June 28 programs, please e-mail the following information to (Registration must be received by approximately thirty minutes prior to the start of the program). To register for the June 23 program, you must e-mail me on or before Tuesday, June 21.
You may pay in one of two ways. If you prefer to pay by check, simply register by e-mail, and then mail your check for $20 to:
Richard P. Clem Continuing Legal Education
PO Box 14957
Minneapolis, MN 55414
If you prefer, you may pay securely online by clicking the "Buy Now" button below. If you have a PayPal account, you will be given the option to sign in with your PayPal ID. If you do not have (or prefer not to use) your PayPal account, you may also pay with a credit card. Please select which part(s) of the program you will be attending.
Upon receipt of this information, I will e-mail you a copy of the course materials, along with the instructions to access the conference call. If you have any questions, you may call me at 612-378-7751. (Please note that this number will not be accessible during the teleconference.)
I will e-mail you a certificate of attendance after the program.
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Copyright 2011, Richard P. Clem Continuing Legal Education
PO Box 14957
Minneapolis, MN 55414