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I am an attorney and Continuing Legal Education (CLE) provider, and one of my most popular programs is my "Ethics Refresher" program, which I have given hundreds of times for attorneys to satisfy their Ethics CLE requirement. My program for attorneys covers some state-specific requirements, but the majority of my program covers the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, and it is an excellent resource for students preparing for the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE).
I am now presenting this special version of my program, which includes only the material on the test: the ABA Model Rules. A free sample of the program (the first 38 minutes, covering all of the material through Rule 1.5) is available as a free MP3 download at this link. The written course materials are available free as a web page at this link. (The full version of the program also includes these materials in PDF or Kindle format.)
If you find this free sample helpful, you can get the complete downloadable program for only $9.95. The complete course includes a 7-part audio lecture of approximately 4 hours and 50 minutes. It includes the written course materials in either PDF or Kindle format. If you have any questions after listening to the program, I'll also be happy to answer them either by phone or e-mail. This program covers all of the material necessary for you to do well on the test. If you listen to the complete program and read the accompanying materials, you will pass the MPRE.
To download the program, there are two ways to order. You can purchase the program through
Amazon. To do so, purchase the Kindle version of the book using the link below. If you don't have a Kindle, you can download the free
Amazon Cloud Player for PC
or other devices
. The final page of the Kindle book contains the link to download the audio lectures in MP3 format, and also includes a link to the PDF version of the course materials.
You may also order by PayPal at the link below. After completing checkout with PayPal, you will automatically be redirected to a page where you can download the program. You can listen to the individual lectures online or download them. I will also e-mail you a link to the programs.
If you have any questions or problems, feel free to contact me by e-mail at or call me at 612-378-7751.
You can also download free sample MPRE questions at the National Council of Bar Examiners site.
In addition, feel free to register for any of the CLE programs on my CLE page.
Review courses, and the books that come with them, for the MPRE can be rather expensive. However, used copies of the books are often available at reasonable cost. Here are links to some of them. (Note, these are affiliate links, which means that I will receive a small commission if you order through them.) There are relatively few changes to the rules from year to year, so even an edition that is a few years old will be helpful, as long as you read the current version of the rules and note the changes.
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Copyright 2013-17, Richard P. Clem.
Attorney Richard P. Clem is responsible for the
content of this page.
Richard P. Clem, Attorney
PO Box 14957
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Phone: 612-378-7751
Minnesota Attorney Registration Number 0192648