21 July 2014 CLE Course Materials
These are the course materials for the Free conference call CLE to be held on July 21, 2014. The links below take you to a summary of each case, which also includes a link to the court's opinion. To participate in this free one-credit CLE program, please visit this page.
During this program, we will review the following cases. (Additional material from recently decided cases may be added prior to the program.)
- Minnesota Supreme Court
Lawrence Leiendecker, et al., v. Asian Women United of Minnesota. Anti-SLAPP law, MN Stat 554
. June 25, 2014.
JME of Monticello, Inc., v. Commissioner of Revenue. Waste management tax
. June 25, 2014.
Kim Thul Ouk v. State of Minnesota. MN criminal law, Miller v. Alabama
. June 11, 2014.
Jennifer Marie Axelberg v. Commissioner of Public Safety. MN implied consent, necessity defense
. May 21, 2014.
Robert Michael Hughes v. State of Minnesota. MN postconviction relief
. May 21, 2014.
- Minnesota Court of Appeals
Yolanda Bass v. Equity Residential Holdings, LLC. MN housing court jurisdiction
. June 30, 2014
State of Minnesota v. Stacie Ann Miller. MN criminal law
. June 30, 2014
State of Minnesota v. Carl Lee Nodes. MN lifetime conditional release, sex offender
. June 16, 2014
In the Matter of Whether There is a Need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Regarding the David Nisbit Quarry Conditional Use Permit Application to Extract Industrial Sand. MN frac sand
. June 16, 2014
Minnesota Joint Underwriting Association v. Star Tribune Media Company, LLC. MN data practices act
. June 9, 2014
SN4, LLC, et al., v. Anchor Bank, fsb. MN electronic signature
. June 2, 2014
In re the Marriage of: Melissa Lynn Gossman v. Jonathan Douglas Gossman . MN divorce, Karon waiver
. June 2, 2014
Hollis John Larson v. Lucinda Jesson, Commissioner of Human Services. MN civil commitment
. June 2, 2014
Charles Patrick Maiers, v. Tom Roy, Commissioner of Corrections. MN conditional release, supervised release
. June 2, 2014
State of Minnesota v. Paul Joseph Welle. MN criminal law
. May 27, 2014.
In the Matter of the Guardianship of: Michael Timothy O'Brien, Ward. MN guardianship, right to marry
. May 27, 2014.
In the Matter of Reichmann Land and Cattle, LLP. MN pasture definition
. May 19, 2014.
State of Minnesota v. Andrea Lee St. John. MN DWI, lesser-included offense
. May 19, 2014.

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